Toya Wright melts hearts with picture of her parents on vacation

The reality star and mother of two had a family reunion and shared some beautiful pictures on her Instagram. In the pics, her daughters Reginae and Reign stole the spotlight, but her parents didn’t stay behind.

Toya Wright has been living on cloud nine since the birth of her second baby girl, Reign Ryan, six months ago. The little girl, whom she shares with boyfriend Robert “Red” Rushing, has been taking front and center on Toya’s Instagram, but on a recent family reunion, Wright made space on her grid for her parents.

While on a “denim and white” reunion of her family, Toya posed with her parents, Anita Johnson-Andrews and Walter Andrews with the ocean as the backdrop. The trio looked happy as Toya was sandwiched between her good-looking parents.

Anita was rocking a long-sleeved loose blue shirt and white pants, while Walter stuck to the theme of the reunion wearing a white t-shirt, jeans, and a white flat cap. Toya, always the fashionista, wore high waisted jeans, a white tight top with a low neckline, a printed robe and golden high heels.

Fans of the reality star immediately took to her comment section to praise her family with praises. Instagram user @tees4evergrateful wrote:

“Awesome pic, you guys look great! Oh, what a GREAT GOD we serve. Ms. Nita looks like the beautiful Queen she is. God bless all of you xoxo.”

While @diamondblack20172017 added:

“Girl you sure have some good-looking parents. No wonder you're so beautiful ladybug.”

“Now this is a nice picture...great looking parents that made a beautiful child.”

However, not everything was joy on the family reunion, as the family took the time to remember Toya’s siblings, Josh and Rudy Johnson, who were shot to death two years ago in New Orleans.

Toya shared a series of photos of her late brothers, as she added in the caption a prayer to remember them:

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. 7/31 #itsbeen2years #JusticeforRudyandJosh #imissmybrothers #rudyandjoshforever”

She also added in the caption of a shot of her outfit that:

“Yesterday at our family denim and white picnic... we remembered my brothers. #gonebutneverforgotten”

Despite their immense loss, it seems like Toya and her family are still in good spirits and closer than ever.
